Diamond Aluminum Company slip-on fittings are specially designed and engineered to eliminate pipe bending, threading, and welding which are costly, time consuming and inconvenient. One unskilled worker or home owner will frequently do, in less time, work projects requiring several skilled tradesmen who use the other methods. That’s because these fittings take all the work out of building railings, enclosures, tables, stands, or any other type of pipe or tube structure.
Savings are realized because of the light weight and speed of connecting or joining. Weighing one-third or more less than similar iron fittings one person can easily carry a sackful. Their job is made easier still by the simplest process of all – slipping the fitting on the pipe and tightening the set screw. That’s all there is to it!
The tapered design is not just another boss, rib, or blob for screw threads. The diamonds taper out to cover 30% of the barrels where the strength is needed most. Therefore the screws can be tightened securely without weakening or cracking the barrel with internal pressure by screw tightening. Exceptional close fit of the barrels on pipe increase grip holding power for extra safety and performance. One half-turn with a hex key, after screw contact, clamps the pipe with more than a ton of holding power. Be Sure, Be Safe.
Have you ever struggled with the nuisance of pipe cutting and reaming out the burr? Well a lot of work has been eliminated with the Diamond Aluminum slip-on fittings. All but three of these labor saving fittings have open ended barrels and the pipe can be slipped completely through the fitting to the next and the next without cutting. Full lengths of pipe can be used to increase strength and rigidity and reduce assembly time.
The simplicity and easy assembly of Diamond Aluminum slip-on fittings make even the most complex structure ridiculously easy. Anyone, regardless of experience, can quickly become proficient and turn out professional jobs – and they don’t need expensive equipment to do so. Everyone from the industrial professional to the homeowner or hobby crafter can do-it-yourself and can save time and money. Remember Diamond Aluminum slip-on fittings are made for pipe and tubing and give you a choice not otherwise available. Use the pipe or tube you have on hand or order schedule 40 aluminum pipe from us as well. No project need to be delayed for the lack of pipe or tubing.
Diamond Aluminum slip-on fittings are strong and rustproof – never need painting or other treatment. They are made of an aluminum alloy that even under the most corrosive conditions has been practically stress-corrosion proof and cited as such by a number of prominent aluminum authorities.
Be Sure, Compare. Yes we invite you to compare because Diamond Aluminum slip-on fittings offer so much more for less. No limitations in structural application by trying to do it all with a couple of fittings. There is a fitting for practically every conceivable application. Versatility unlimited. Utmost simplicity. Stronger. Rustproof. Dependable. No bending – no threading – no welding – and even less pipe cutting.
Read more: The Diamond Aluminum Company Line of Slip-on Fittings